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Renelle Dubosq
Assistant Professor
Earth, Environmental and Geographic Sciences
Office: FIP 320Phone: 250.807.9594
Email: renelle.dubosq@ubc.ca

Research Summary
Nanogeology; microstructures; correlative microscopy; diffusion processes; segregation of critical minerals; earthquake nucleation and propagation mechanisms
Courses & Teaching
PhD, University of Ottawa
MSc, University of Ottawa
Research Interests & Projects
Meso- to tectonic-scale geological processes are fundamentally controlled by nanoscale material processes including element and defect interactions in geomaterials. For instance, feedbacks between trace element mobility, fluids, and structural defects play a vital role in determining the rheology of geomaterials. In addition, the trace element and isotopic compositions of geomaterials are commonly used to provide pressure, temperature, and time constraints on geological events. Therefore, a deeper understanding of element mobility in the presence of structural defects is critical for utilizing and interpreting geochemical data. Investigation of these interactions, however, requires a correlative analytical approach involving high spatial resolution microscopy techniques. Past and current research topics include: 1) Influence of mineral microstructure evolution on crustal rheology; 2) Reliability of mineral chronometers and thermobarometers in deformed crust; 3) Post-emplacement remobilization of critical minerals and metals
Selected Publications & Presentations
Selected Grants & Awards
European Geosciences Union, Arne Richter Award for Outstanding Early Career Scientists (2025)
NSERC Alliance (2024-2027)
UBCO Tier 2 Principal’s Research Chair (2024-2029)
University of Ottawa, Governor General’s Gold Medal Best Thesis Prize in Science & Engineering (2022)
Geological Association of Canada, Jack Henderson Best PhD Award (2022)
Mitacs, Alejandro Adem Legacy Award for Outstanding Innovation – Indigenous (2019)